UNIT 101 and 103, 18 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa ON K1L 8L9

Customised menu from 10 to 1000 meals!

Planning a party? or an office Pot Luck? or just any family get together?

Dhruvees is happy to be a part of your celebrations and this time is no different,
with Biryani & Kebabs we can add a little bit of warmth and a whole lot of love to your celebrations.

We’ve got you covered with a choice of
Biryani’s & Kebabs to indulge in!

We’ve got you covered with a choice of Biryani’s & Kebabs to indulge in!

Fill in your information here or email us at info@dhruvees.com for special discounts and offers.

Thank you for your inquiry.

One of our representatives will get in touch with you within 24 hours.
If you have an urgent inquiry, please call us on –
Email – info@dhruvees.com
Call – +1(613) 744 7888

Have a Great Day!